If it is non-woven, it is Logrotex



The wide variety of natural fibres we work with at Logrotex, permits a wide range of products that are both versatile and which adapt to customers’ tastes.

Isolgreen Sintética

Isolgreen Multicolor

Logotype of Isolgreen


SICO 1000 T is a composite insulator made from sisal, coconut wool and polyester. The coconut and sisal fibres belong to the family of hard fibres, with sisal being the strongest and woodiest of the agave family. Its principal components and cellulose and lignin, which confer high rigidity and hardness properties.

The combination of sisal and coconut fibres makes our product highly resistant and rigid, and the polyester content confers extra consistency to SICO 1000 T.

The normal moisture content of the fibre is between 10% and 12%.

It is an odourless material, which is perfectly resistant to humidity and because of the woody fibres it is not attacked by insects. It does not rot which allows water vapour to diffuse across its surface. It reduces the noise transmission by percussion and through the air.

C/Alberite, 11-17 . 26006 . Logroño (La Rioja) . España
Tfno: +34 941 211 211 || 627 685 938 . Fax: +34 941 210 347


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