If it is non-woven, it is Logrotex


Natural Insulators

Development of new non wovens made of recycled materials from other industries since it is the case of the footwear sector, automotive, etc and this way, to reduce environmental impact of the productive process of the companies across the valuation of their residues. The waste of the productive process can be returned to be to introduced again in the productive cycle as raw material, for the manufacture of new products.

Supported by

Logotype of ADER Logotype of MINECO 


Antilegionella filtration

C/Alberite, 11-17 . 26006 . Logroño (La Rioja) . España
Tfno: +34 941 211 211 || 627 685 938 . Fax: +34 941 210 347


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UNE-EN ISO 9001 (AENOR) and ISO 9001:2008 (IQNET)