If it is non-woven, it is Logrotex


Agrotextiles are technical fabrics for agriculture, horticulture, gardening and construction.

They offer ideal protection from solar radiation during the hours of highest exposure. In addition, they prevent the development of creeping weeds thanks to their ability to limit the amount of sunlight penetrating onto the earth’s surface, reducing the need to use fertilisers, weedkillers and water.

They slow down the effects of evapo-transpiration caused by the wind, which in turn prevents dessication while impeding the accumulation of water on the eaerth’s surface by absorbing excess water when it is waterlogged.

C/Alberite, 11-17 . 26006 . Logroño (La Rioja) . España
Tfno: +34 941 211 211 || 627 685 938 . Fax: +34 941 210 347


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UNE-EN ISO 9001 (AENOR) and ISO 9001:2008 (IQNET)